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Luciferine spiritual introduction




Luciferine spiritual introduction


Before starting to study and meditate on the Manuals, an introduction is needed to try to explain what and who Lucifer is and what the effect of your relationship with man is.

Let's start with a definition: He is the Angel who lives in the heart of all of us to reveal the seductive beauty of existence, opposed by all Abrahamic religions because men do not love life but rather nothing after it; and on nothing Judaism, Christianity and Islam have created non-existent havens.

Lucifer therefore exists as a spiritual entity, alive and true, and is embodied in the history of humanity through those who firmly believe in Him.

Defining Lucifer using words is an understatement. Telling him that he is a beautiful angel with the body of a teenager is by no means exhaustive. It's just an image you need for a mere representation.
Instead, let us try to assert that Lucifer is a personal experience that grows within us with the time and dedication we reserve for him.

Only those who fall in love with him can worship him and understand what beauty is and how much value he has in the lives of men. Being loved by him is an immense privilege but it will also be a shocking experience.

Thinking of Him as a teenager does not allow us to grasp the sense of the myth of eternal youth, strength, fury and courage that only young people or heroes are capable of.

And Lucifer is also a Sacred and immortal Hero who instills strength in those who believe in Him, but a force that makes them able to face every situation and makes us be contemptuous of the dangers of life to pursue the

Victory and the immortality of body and soul.

Of his victories to Lucifer he has given so many of them in history, but he still calls us to battle because the war against his enemies is not over.

Whoever believes in Him is an Elected because he will never be able to annihilate himself in the confused whole.
Whoever believes in him will always be able to preserve his individuality as happens with the gods. He recognizes in us the only true beings capable of overcoming the limits of nature in order to come into contact with the deified dimension.

The man through Lucifer rises to the rank of god, without thereby arousing his envy, and incites him to skim his fellows between who is worthy to enter his army and who should be banished and destroyed forever.

Lucifer does not seek us, does not tempt us, does not want to ensnare our soul to make it burn in the flames Hell.

Lucifer wants man to choose freely between light and religious obscurantism, between courage and fear, between sexual instinct and moral castration, between living fully and surviving in a thousand senses
of guilt.

Lucifer wants us free and only those who are truly free can worship him; only those who can fully grasp life can enter into symbiosis with the great Angel of Light.

Who, therefore, wants to realize his own desires, who wants to live in the light, who knows how to grasp the irony that lies behind every existence and enjoys it, who of his faults knows how to make merits is an elected his worshiper.

Anyone who enters the Order of the Red Rose knows that he can always push himself further and without fear of being wrong because his steps are guided directly by Lucifer: our hands can touch the Eternal Fire, in his heart his Spiritual Seal is engraved.

The Order of the Red Rose represents the new humanity. Lucifer is the new humanism, the only turning point for a possible future of a new era already announced for centuries.



Lucifer, the son of the Dawn.




Lucifer, the son of the Dawn.


Lucifer, a name we have heard repeatedly, mostly in religious contexts, associated with the evil one. Yet etymologically Lucifer, from the Latin lucifer, means "bearer of light" and in fact with this meaning we also use it to indicate the first 'star' of the morning, namely the planet Venus, which should be visible in the sky already at dawn, before even that the sun rises.
Well for our Greek and Latin ancestors the god Lucifer (Latin correspondent of the Greek Phosphoros) was son of Eos (the Aurora) and of the titan Astreo (the latter considered also divinity able to know the destiny, reading it in the stars: the horoscope). Sometimes the name Lucifer was also used as an appellative for "light-bearer deities" such as Apollo, Diana or Juno.
Author of successful books and renowned scientist, Arthur C. Clarke (1917-2008) wrote these words in his masterpiece of science fiction 2010 Odyssey Two (1982), the sequel to the other novel of 1968, 2001 A Space Odyssey, both transposed on big screen. Those who only saw the 2010 movie: Odyssey two did not notice a noticeable difference between the film and the novel. Strangely enough, the book contains a chapter titled "Lucifer Rising" ("The Ascent of Lucifer"). In this chapter, the hydrogen atmosphere of the planet Jupiter caught fire.
«Soon a generation would have been born that would never have known a world without Lucifer»



The «little» new rising sun is called «Lucifer», and illuminates the Earth with its light. The result: darkness no longer exists. Fear, suspicion and crimes in the night disappear. Humanity has been illuminated by the light of Lucifer. For occultists and newagers, the symbology of Arthur C. Clarke is unequivocal. Lucifer, the "bearer of Light", transmits his Knowledge (the hidden "truth") to all of humanity, sweeping away fear and ignorance (the Christian religion), and giving mankind the opportunity to discover the own intellect.
 Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891), the founder of the Theosophical Society, the "mother" of the New Age movement and modern occultism, teaches in her work The Secret Doctrine ("The Secret Doctrine"; 1888) that Lucifer was to be sacrificed to the new dogma of the Church. Moreover, she wrote in this "great work" that Lucifer, under various divine names, is really an allegory of "Good, of Sacrifice, a God of Wisdom". In the Book of the Apocalypse (Rev 22, 16), Jesus is called "the radiant star of the morning", and in Isaiah Lucifer is called "son of dawn".
From a mystical and astrological point of view, the morning star is Venus which symbolically represents Lucifer in the teachings of the various occult schools. And in solar cults, the morning star is frequently identified with the Sun, or "son" of the morning.

Theosophy, spilling out of this cauldron of mysticism, not only deposed the eggs of the New Age movement, but also those of the other Mystical Orders and schools of thought, including Nazism. Once hidden within the occult priesthood of the mystery religions, the New Age movement has made the teachings of Lucifer available to the public. Therefore, a new period of rejuvenated spiritual experimentation has taken shape.
Lucifer comes to offer us the final gift of totality. If we accept it it is free, and we will be free. This is the Luciferian initiation. This is something that many people, now and in the days to come, will have to face because it is an initiation into the New Age.
We are all divine and each of us has the ability to reach the status of divinity.

Here is what he said about the current revival of occultism Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers (1854-1918), one of the founders of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn ("Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn"):
"At the present moment, a powerful wave of occult thought is spreading in society. In these last centuries, the occult doctrine of Lucifer has been refined by" esoteric "societies and schools.
This is an aspect of Western civilization that, until recently, was kept hidden from the general public

"To be or not to be a Christ; this is the decision that every soul on this planet must take "




Read also


The Red Rose

Order of The Red Rose

The 4 Manuals of the Red Rose Order

The Black Book

The Red Book

The Green Book

The White Book

Grimoire of Lucifer

Lucifer, the angel of light

Lucifer, the son of the Dawn.

Great Lucifer's Grimory - Prayers for introduction




Great Lucifer's Grimory - Prayers for introduction




I implore you, O great and mighty Adonay


master of all spirits


I implore you or Eloim!


I implore you or Jehova! O great King


I implore you Tetragrammaton.


My work is turned to Lucifer


In his work is the real verb




In the glory of Lucifer, Aurora del Mattino and lord of the night.

So be it








For Adonay, Eloim ,, Jehova, Tatragrammaton, be favorable to my work.


For Adonay, Eloim ,, Jehova, Tatragrammaton, may I be allowed to speak the name of the angel


For Adonay, Eloim ,, Jehova, Tatragrammaton, I perform this rite in favor of Lucifer, son of the aurora


In the glory of Lucifer, morning dawn and lord of the night.





Read also


The Red Rose

Order of The Red Rose

The 4 Manuals of the Red Rose Order

The Black Book

The Red Book

The Green Book

The White Book

Grimoire of Lucifer

Lucifer, the angel of light

Lucifer, the son of the Dawn.








Argomenti : La Rosa Rossa     The Red Rose    Rosa Rossa   Red Rose 


Ordine della Rosa Rossa    Order od the Red Rose  Lucifero  Lucifer   Libro Nero     


Libro Rosso     Libro Bianco    Libro Verde   Black Book    White Book    Red Book   


Green Book   Simbologia    Simbolismo   Symbolism   Simbology  Esoterismo   Esoteric     


Libreria   Library   Letteratura  Literature   Poesie  Poems   Nostradamus   


Ricette cucina   Gabriele d'Annunzio  D'Annunzio   Frasi    citazioni  Satanismo  Satanic


Satana   Satan    Putin  Vladimir Putin  Oscar Wilde  Alessandro Manzoni 


Giosuè Carducci   Friedrich Nietzsche   Charles Manson   News  Covid19  Coronavirus 


La Rosa Rossa    Rosa Rossa  Cambiamenti climatici


Coronavirus     Covid 19     Covid-19     Covid     Virus   Pandemic


Great Lucifer's Grimory - Leave of the angel




Great Lucifer's  Grimory - Leave of the angel 



For Adonay, Tetragrammaton, Eloim, Jehova,

I ask leave and favor for my offer


In the Name of Lucifer I have accomplished my work

Adonay, Tetragrammaton, Eloim, Jehova, I ask for your leave


In the Name of Lucifer I gave my blood

for Adonay, Tetragrammaton, Eloim, Jehova, I finish my work



So be it ......


In the glory of Lucifer, Morning Dawn and lord of the night.




Read also



The Red Rose

Order of The Red Rose

The 4 Manuals of the Red Rose Order

The Black Book

The Red Book

The Green Book

The White Book

Grimoire of Lucifer

Lucifer, the angel of light

Lucifer, the son of the Dawn.





Argomenti : La Rosa Rossa     The Red Rose    Rosa Rossa   Red Rose 


Ordine della Rosa Rossa    Order od the Red Rose  Lucifero  Lucifer   Libro Nero     


Libro Rosso     Libro Bianco    Libro Verde   Black Book    White Book    Red Book   


Green Book   Simbologia    Simbolismo   Symbolism   Simbology  Esoterismo   Esoteric     


Libreria   Library   Letteratura  Literature   Poesie  Poems   Nostradamus   


Ricette cucina   Gabriele d'Annunzio  D'Annunzio   Frasi    citazioni  Satanismo  Satanic


Satana   Satan    Putin  Vladimir Putin  Oscar Wilde  Alessandro Manzoni 


Giosuè Carducci   Friedrich Nietzsche   Charles Manson   News  Covid19  Coronavirus 


La Rosa Rossa    Rosa Rossa  Cambiamenti climatici


Coronavirus     Covid 19     Covid-19     Covid     Virus   Pandemic


Sacrality of Friday

Grimoire of Lucifer - Sacrality of Friday


Lucifer (bearer of light) is the Latin name of the planet Venus, the first star to appear in the evening and the last to go out in the morning. In the Greco-Roman world, in fact, Lucifer was the son of the aurora.

Friday is the day of the week that follows on Thursday and precedes Saturday. The name comes from the Latin Venĕris dies, day of Venus.

In the Anglo-Saxon languages the word indicating this day of the week, as eg in English Friday and in German Freitag, refers to its being, once, sacred day to the goddess Germanic Freyja, divinity that has some correspondence with the Latin Venus.

On Fridays in the main cults:

-Good Friday:two days before Easter, Christianity remembers the death of Jesus.

-Islamic Friday: for Islam, Friday is the holy day when we go to the mosques for prayer.

-Jewish Friday: at the Friday sunset, the Jewish Shabbath begins, which lasts until sunset the following day.

The Romans, in imperial times, established Friday as a day to execute death sentences.

For the Catholic Church it is a day of penance, in which the abstinence from meat was traditionally prescribed to the faithful, a prescription no longer obligatory since 1966.  

The order of the Red Rose declares FRIDAY as Lucifer's day and sacrileges its advent. Friday will have to be Lucifuge's day of evocation and divination. Lucifer's Rituals will have to be done on Friday, from sunset to sunrise.




Read also


The Red Rose

Order of The Red Rose

The 4 Manuals of the Red Rose Order

The Black Book

The Red Book

The Green Book

The White Book

Grimoire of Lucifer

Lucifer, the angel of light

Lucifer, the son of the Dawn.