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Order of the Red Rose - The 666 project




Order of the Red Rose - The 666 project


Each follower, member, belonging, exponent or sympathizer of the ROSA ROSSA, is required to respect and adapt to the application of PROJECT 666


This project, and order, is the basis and precursor of every RED ROSE initiative


Every credit agency, every money-spreading machine, every financial institution, every machine of industrial production, every mechanical means belonging to the everyday life of being, is considered, in all respects, a moral threat of the members themselves


These institutes, these mortifying earthly existence, must be eradicated by society and considered to be the worst of human existence.


Every industrial machine, belonging to the productive daily life of human beings, must be considered a threat for the protection of every living being. This threat must be countered


Every follower, member, belonging, exponent or sympathizer of ROSA ROSSA, is required to be averse to this lifestyle that places machines, modernity and money above the individual, and consider it immoral


This order forbids harming individuals or physical subjects and implies, in an absolute way, to oppose only money institutions and machines similar to the proliferation of it


The protection of the earthly environment, the natural development of life, the return to the primordiality of the living being, are fundamental principles within this initiative and at the moral basis of the order itself



Order of the RED ROSE