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Grimoire of Lucifer




                             Grimoire of Lucifer


                            GREAT LUCIFER'S GRIMORY



The order of the Red Rose declares FRIDAY as Lucifer's day and sacrileges its advent.


Friday will have to be Lucifuge's day of evocation and divination.


Great Lucfer's Grimory - Step 1 (Introduction Prayer)

The introduction prayer is carried out to link the initiate with the 4 names of God and to express the phonetic and spiritual power of these sounds.

Prayers for introduction


Great Lucfer's Grimory - Step 2 (First Litry of Lucifer)

The initiate recites the Prayer of Angel

Prayer of the angel


Great Lucfer's Grimory - Step 3 (Recitation psalms adoration)

The initiate recites the first two psalms of adoration to Lucifer

Sacred Psalter of Lucifer - Psalm 1

Sacred Psalter of Lucifer - Psalm 2



Great Lucfer's Grimory - Step 4 (Adoration of Fire)

The initiate turns on 4 Red or White candles and recites the following psalm

Sacred Psalter of Lucifer - Psalm 3


Great Lucfer's Grimory - Step 5 (Ritual Fumigation)

The Practitioner proceeds with the fumigation of the ritual room


Ritual Fumigation


The practitioner accompanies the fumigation by reciting the following psalm of adoration


Sacred Psalter of Lucifer - Psalm 4



Great Lucfer's Grimory - Step 6 (Water Well)


The practitioner places a wooden or metal cup (preferably silver) on a ritual table and pours cold water into it.


During the operation the practitioner recites the following psalm of adoration


Sacred Psalter of Lucifer - Psalm 5



Great Lucfer's Grimory - Step 7 (Adoration of the angel)

The practitioner recites the first 6 psalms of adoration to Lucifer (The passage can be repeated several times at the discretion of the practitioner)


Sacred Psalter of Lucifer - Psalm 1


Sacred Psalter of Lucifer - Psalm 2


Sacred Psalter of Lucifer - Psalm 3


Sacred Psalter of Lucifer - Psalm 4


Sacred Psalter of Lucifer - Psalm 5


Sacred Psalter of Lucifer - Psalm 6



Great Lucfer's Grimory - Step 8 (Blood Sacrifice)

The practitioner gives a few drops of his blood (the blood will be released through pinprick) and lays it in the cup previously consecrated.

During the blood sacrifice the practitioner recites the following psalms of the sacrifice



Sacred Psalter of Lucifer - Psalm 7



Sacred Psalter of Lucifer - Psalm 8



Sacred Psalter of Lucifer - Psalm 9



Sacred Psalter of Lucifer - Psalm 10



Sacred Psalter of Lucifer - Psalm 11



Sacred Psalter of Lucifer - Psalm 12




Great Lucfer's Grimory - Step 9 (Praise the angel)


The practitioner recites the following psalms of praise


Sacred Psalter of Lucifer - Psalm 13


Sacred Psalter of Lucifer - Psalm 14


Sacred Psalter of Lucifer - Psalm 15


Sacred Psalter of Lucifer - Psalm 16


Sacred Psalter of Lucifer - Psalm 17


Sacred Psalter of Lucifer - Psalm 18



Great Lucfer's Grimory - (Step 10)
The practitioner recites the Luciferum evocationis (evocation of lucifer) through the seven seals.


Lucifer's Evocation - First seal of Lucifer


Lucifer's Evocation - Second Seal of Lucifer


Lucifer's evocation - Third seal of Lucifer


Lucifer's Evocations - Fourth Seal of Lucifer


Lucifer's Evocation - Fifth Seal of Lucifer


Lucifer's Evocation - Sixth Seal of Lucifer


Lucifer's Evocation - Seventh Seal of Lucifer



Lucifer's Great Grimoire - Step 11 (Farewell Prayer)
The practitioner recites the following farewell prayer


Leave of the angel






Read also


The Red Rose

Order of The Red Rose

The 4 Manuals of the Red Rose Order

The Black Book

The Red Book

The Green Book

The White Book

Grimoire of Lucifer

Lucifer, the angel of light

Lucifer, the son of the Dawn.







Argomenti : La Rosa Rossa     The Red Rose    Rosa Rossa   Red Rose 


Ordine della Rosa Rossa    Order od the Red Rose  Lucifero  Lucifer   Libro Nero     


Libro Rosso     Libro Bianco    Libro Verde   Black Book    White Book    Red Book   


Green Book   Simbologia    Simbolismo   Symbolism   Simbology  Esoterismo   Esoteric     


Libreria   Library   Letteratura  Literature   Poesie  Poems   Nostradamus   


Ricette cucina   Gabriele d'Annunzio  D'Annunzio   Frasi    citazioni  Satanismo  Satanic


Satana   Satan    Putin  Vladimir Putin  Oscar Wilde  Alessandro Manzoni 


Giosuè Carducci   Friedrich Nietzsche   Charles Manson   News  Covid19  Coronavirus 


La Rosa Rossa    Rosa Rossa  Cambiamenti climatici


Coronavirus     Covid 19     Covid-19     Covid     Virus   Pandemic