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Song of fire

Song of fire


The earth is ready to receive
Your coming
Lucifer Excellency
Inside us
The Light of Truth shines
In Lucifer Arde the fire of desire
The Song of the Sacred Hymns vibrates.
We are Pure Men
In which he was deposed
The seed of your knowledge.
We abuse false knowledge
We detest every weakness
Blood in our veins
It's like glowing lava
The eyes are pure like the sky.
We only elect you to your subjects
We do not recognize any law
Neither of man nor of God.
We breathe your breath
That feeds in the soul
The Burning Fire
Of deep desire
To admire your superb beauty,
That only our eyes
They can see.





Read also


The Red Rose

Order of The Red Rose

The 4 Manuals of the Red Rose Order

The Black Book

The Red Book

The Green Book

The White Book

Grimoire of Lucifer

Lucifer, the angel of light

Lucifer, the son of the Dawn.