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Blessing and ascent of Lucifer

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Blessing and ascent of Lucifer


The night opens with a beating of wings while the distracted man has forgotten his gods.

We who have not forgotten,
we are here to revive, with our own life, the one who suffered
the expulsion from the Christian Paradise.

We are here to invoke the return of the ancient forces that the universe created.

Immense Lucifer you have crossed the history of man with Your sublime beauty

Receiving mud and ignominy from men,
Torture and betrayal for your faithful servants.

We are here to worship the light that promises from your face.
We are here ready to welcome your coming.
We are here to support the weight of the truth we have always sought

Until we get lost in it and disappear with it.
They will be days of fire and fright,
But who welcomes you now will happily support every torment.
In you, Lucifer, there is no end,
you always discover a new beginning in yourself.
You are the Alpha that does not know Omega,
you are the infinite.

But our souls can contain your infinity.

For this, O Lucifer, we bless the day when our minds met you.
Therefore, O Lucifer, we bless the day when we have been struck by your Light.
For this, O Lucifer, we bless the day when you revealed the Christian lie to us.

Waiting for You, Immense Lucifer, to rise from the earth to occupy the throne of the Infinite Skies
We, your army, will prepare the weapons
ready to fight to defend the purity of your name.

Our step will tread the earth with thunderclap,
Because whoever does not love you does not deserve to die as your own warrior servant and will be torn by horrible beasts.

Our mission is to encourage your return.

Blessed are you Lucifer Exalted
Blessed are you King of the Night
Blessed are you Awakening of Men
Blessed are you Gold of the Dawn
Blessed are you Sublime Truth
Blessed are you Beautiful Absolute
Blessed are you Inspirer of art
Blessed are you Light of Gems
Blessed are you the Orient of the Pearls
Blessed are you Gold of the Day
Blessed are you in the roar of the storm
Blessed are you in lightning and thunder
Blessed are you in the fog
Blessed are you in the storm
Blessed are you in tumultuous waters
Blessed are you in the dark depths of the sea
Blessed are you in the scream of the winds
Blessed are you in the power of the waves
Blessed are you in the tremor of the earth
Blessed are you in the rubble of houses and in the falling walls
Blessed are you in the cracks of the earth
Blessed are you in the collapsed bridges
Blessed are you in the fire of lava
Blessed are you in the burning rocks
Blessed are you in the suffocating air
Blessed are you in the blinding ashes
Blessed are you in the physical weaknesses of man
Blessed are you in pain
Blessed are you in the caries of the bones
Blessed are you in the madness of men
Blessed are you in love
Blessed are you in the lascivious looks
Blessed are you in the labored breath
Blessed are you in the orgasm of pleasure
Blessed are you in the non-existence of time
Blessed are you in the empty space

We bless the day when fire, air, earth and water merge together into a single vortex, rising towards the heavenly vault accompanying, O Lucifer, your slow and inexorable flight to the throne of Your Glory.







Read also



The Red Rose


Order of The Red Rose


The 4 Manuals of the Red Rose Order


The Black Book


The Red Book


The Green Book


The White Book


Grimoire of Lucifer


Lucifer, the angel of light


Lucifer, the son of the Dawn.






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