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Sacrality of Friday

Grimoire of Lucifer - Sacrality of Friday


Lucifer (bearer of light) is the Latin name of the planet Venus, the first star to appear in the evening and the last to go out in the morning. In the Greco-Roman world, in fact, Lucifer was the son of the aurora.

Friday is the day of the week that follows on Thursday and precedes Saturday. The name comes from the Latin Venĕris dies, day of Venus.

In the Anglo-Saxon languages the word indicating this day of the week, as eg in English Friday and in German Freitag, refers to its being, once, sacred day to the goddess Germanic Freyja, divinity that has some correspondence with the Latin Venus.

On Fridays in the main cults:

-Good Friday:two days before Easter, Christianity remembers the death of Jesus.

-Islamic Friday: for Islam, Friday is the holy day when we go to the mosques for prayer.

-Jewish Friday: at the Friday sunset, the Jewish Shabbath begins, which lasts until sunset the following day.

The Romans, in imperial times, established Friday as a day to execute death sentences.

For the Catholic Church it is a day of penance, in which the abstinence from meat was traditionally prescribed to the faithful, a prescription no longer obligatory since 1966.  

The order of the Red Rose declares FRIDAY as Lucifer's day and sacrileges its advent. Friday will have to be Lucifuge's day of evocation and divination. Lucifer's Rituals will have to be done on Friday, from sunset to sunrise.




Read also


The Red Rose

Order of The Red Rose

The 4 Manuals of the Red Rose Order

The Black Book

The Red Book

The Green Book

The White Book

Grimoire of Lucifer

Lucifer, the angel of light

Lucifer, the son of the Dawn.