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Lucifer, the angel of light




Lucifer, the angel of light


Lucifer, the bearer of light, the angel of Light ....

The word "angel" (from the Greek angelos) means messenger. Angels are spiritual entities created by God, and as such they do not have bodies of flesh and bone, although they may appear in human form (Gen. 19: 1-22).

The fallen angels are those angels who rebelled against God following Lucifer. The Bible explains that Lucifer (the name literally means, "bearer of light") was originally created by God as the most glorious of angels: he was a cherub protector, and God surrounded him with goods and beauty. Lucifer, however, proudly aspired to become similar to God, and for his pride and corruption of his heart fell. He became Satan (Hebrew term meaning "the adversary").


The main proponents of this interpretation were Girolamo, Tertullian, Origen, Saint Gregory the Great, Saint Cyprian of Carthage, Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, Augustine of Canterbury who substantially agree in affirming the original angelic state of Lucifer / Satan and his angels / demons: a paradisiacal condition from which they would fall due to pride and rebellion.

We can say in essence that these Fathers established the identity between the Lucifer of Isaiah and the Satan of Job and of the Gospels, operating a welding that has become part of the religious and popular tradition in an almost granitic way.


The conception of a devil with horns, and fingered fingernails, horrible to look at, comes from pagan mythology and not from the Bible. It is not a Christian teaching, but a popular belief. Here is what is in the Bible regarding Satan:

"Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: ... you were full of wisdom, of perfect beauty: you were in Eden, the garden of God, you were covered with all sorts of precious stones ... drums and flutes were yours service, prepare the day you were created. You were a cherub with outstretched wings, a protector. I had established you, you were on the holy mountain of God, walked in the midst of stones of fire. You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created , until perversity was found in you. For the abundance of your trade, everything in you has been filled with violence, and you have sinned, so I will drive you away like a profane from the mountain of God and I will make you disappear. or cherub protector amidst the stones of fire. Your heart is proud of your beauty, you have corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor, I throw you on the ground, I give you in a show to the kings ... All those who knew you among the peoples are astonished to see you, you have become the object of terror and not exis you'll never be more. "

(Ezek 28: 12-19)


"How come you fell from heaven, morning star, son of dawn? How come you landed, you who trampled the nations? You said in your heart: 'I will ascend into heaven, I will raise my throne above the stars of God. I will sit on the mountain of the assembly, in the extreme part of the north, I will go up to the top of the clouds, I will be like the Most High. "

(Isaiah 14: 12-14)


Dante describes it directly in Canto XXXIV of Hell, as a huge and hideous, hairy creature, endowed with three faces on one head and three pairs of bat wings. Lucifer is confined from the waist down in Cocito's ice, then only the upper side of the monster emerges; in each of the three mouths maciulla with teeth a sinner (Brutus and Cassius on the sides, Judas in the center, or the three main traitors of the biblical-classical tradition), while with the claws scratches and skinning the back of Judas.
The three heads are of different colors: the one in the center is vermilion (red), the one on the right is between white and yellow, the one on the left is similar to the color of the Ethiopian skin (black). The three colors have been variously interpreted, as well as the three faces, but no hypothesis is fully convincing. The monster flaps its wings, producing a cold wind that makes the waters of Lake Cocito freeze, where the traitors are confided in the different areas (Caina, Antenòra, Tolomea, Giudecca). She cries with her six eyes, and tears trickle down their minds, mingling with the bloody slime.
It has been observed that Lucifer's sin consists precisely in betrayal, since he dared to rebel against his Creator, so it is not surprising that Dante places him at the center of Cocito, or the IX Circle where traitors are punished. It is also a bizarre parody and an overthrow of the Trinity, with the three faces reminiscent of the three heads of Cerberus, and the wind blowing from its wings which, according to some commentators, alludes to the concept of the Holy Spirit proceeding from the other two divine Persons .
Dante and Virgilio cling to the monster's hair and descend along its ribs, passing over the crust of ice and finding themselves in the other hemisphere, where Lucifer protrudes his legs. Once here, the two poets reach a small opening in the rock, from where they begin to walk a "natural burella" (a narrow underground gut) that connects the center of the Earth with the beach of Purgatory, located at the antipodes of Jerusalem.
Lucifer is sometimes mentioned by Dante along the infernal descent, with the names of Satan (VII, 1, in the words of Pluto), and Belzebù (XXXIV, 127), while in XXXIV, 20 is called by Virgil with the name Dite. In Par., IX, 127 ss. Foletto di Marsiglia defines Florence as a city generated by Lucifer, because of the maladetto flower (the florin) that it spreads in the world, spreading ecclesiastical corruption.

Among the Italian authors it is also interesting to mention the hymn to Satan del Carducci and the poem Lucifer by Mario Rapisardi.

Lucifer (bearer of light) is the Latin name of the planet Venus, the first star to appear in the evening and the last to go out in the morning. In the Greco-Roman world, in fact, Lucifer was the son of the aurora.



Lucifer represents the Logos, the rationality and the divine wisdom latent in man, the yearning of man to discover the mysteries of the universe, but also the principle of rebellion towards every limitation of the human being, towards every religion, and of the freedom of man. An equivalent of the gnostic myth of Lucifer is the Greek myth of Prometheus, which defying the jealous Jupiter gives man the fire of knowledge.

The Lucifer is represented in the star of Venus (planet Venus)

In the star Luciferina there is the representation and symbol of LUCIFER.

The Order of the Red Rose looks to the star of Lucifer as a means of approaching it.


In Venus and in the light that shines on every night, shining, divine, The Order of the Red Rose implies an approach to LUCIFER and to the Luciferian cult





Read also


The Red Rose

Order of The Red Rose

The 4 Manuals of the Red Rose Order

The Black Book

The Red Book

The Green Book

The White Book

Grimoire of Lucifer

Lucifer, the angel of light

Lucifer, the son of the Dawn.