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The White Book



                        The White Book





                      Introduction to the white book


The White book represents the hermetic language of the Order of the Red Rose

The Cult of Lucifer and the cult of the earth can not ignore the objective analysis of evil and of the paths that man, with his hands, must face in the course of existence.

Nothing here is hidden from man, especially his powerlessness towards the forces of nature, disease, war

In the midst of these forces the new man is born.

In the midst of the calamity he bends his head, seeking purification.

Everything can be transcended in the name of Lucifer.

Everything is sanctified in fire and water.

In the white paper, man is the main subject that strikes and suffers, attacks life and honors him.

In the ferocity of beauty we rediscover the incomparability of Lucifer.

The Red Rose order, through the White Paper, puts man in front of his fears and invites him to respect the earth and its power.

The Order of the Red Rose invites us to understand the value of respect for the earth, nature and its elements



                                    The White Book


The WHITE BOOK is a manual of the order dedicated to the evocation of LUCIFER and to the cult of the earth linked to it. The Order of the Red Rose evokes, through THE WHITE BOOK, the earthly and natural forces.


The WHITE BOOKcharacterizes its contents and focuses them on extreme natural forces such as EARTHQUAKES, MAREMOTHES, RAIN, WIND, VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS, TEMPESTS etc. etc.


THE WHITE BOOK - THE WHITE BOOK is the manual that represents the birth of the order, characterized by this natural symbology, soon tangible.


The Order of the Red Rose considers a complete and total purification of the earthly elements necessary for a spiritual evolutionary process linked to Lucifer.




                                  THE ANGEL OF LIGHT






Lucifer, the angel of light




Lucifer, the son of the Dawn




Luciferine spiritual introduction





                              THE LORD OF THE ABYSS


Apollyon, the destroyer





              Evocation of Lucifer -  Luciferum evocationis


The Evocation of Lucifer or Luciferum evocationis is a text of the Order of the Red Rose dedicated to the evocation and ascent of Lucifer.

The Lucifer is represented, within the white paper, as an element of PURIFICATION.

The total purification of the human being through the earthly forces that manifest themselves through the signs of LUCIFER.

The Order of the Red Rose PROPHETS the rise of Lucifer through constant evocations contained in the White Book.