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Order of the Red Rose - The 4 Manuals of the Red Rose Order

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Order of the Red Rose - The 4 Manuals of the Red Rose Order


The 4 manuals of the Order of the Red Rose are written and produced in representation of the action for the purposes of the Rosa Rossa order.

The Grand Council, composed of 4 founding members, will be an expression of the proposed manuals.

Each manual involves a different and differentiated LUCIFERINA practice.


The Red Book - It is a manual of prayers and litanies dedicated to LUCIFER.

The Green Book - E 'Manual dedicated to the psalms and collections of the volumes of the order.

The Black Book - E 'Manual contains the Grimoire of Lucifer and the different evocative practices.

The White Book - E 'Evocative manual of superior forces through the action of LUCIFER.


The 4 members of the council will be bearers and will develop their practices.








Read also


The Red Rose

Order of The Red Rose

The 4 Manuals of the Red Rose Order

The Black Book

The Red Book

The Green Book

The White Book

Grimoire of Lucifer

Lucifer, the angel of light

Lucifer, the son of the Dawn.