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Dietrich Eckart - The initiator

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Dietrich Eckart - The initiator

Dietrich Eckart is among the first members of the German National Socialist Workers Party and one of the participants in the failed Putsch of Munich in 1923.
Eckart joined the Thule Society of Rudolf von Sebottendorff in 1913 in which he became politically active; in 1915 he wrote the nationalist drama Heinrich der Hohenstaufe, in which he exposed the need for the Germanic people to dominate the world.

The ideological legacy of Thule society was collected by the German National Socialist Workers' Party. Adolf Hitler and his movement forged their thinking by starting their political climb in the shadow of controversial figures like Glauer and Eckart. Hitler was initiated at the Thule Society in 1919 by Dietrich Eckart, who at the time was its leader.

According to these, before dying, he claimed that with the initiation of Adolf Hitler he exercised more than any other German influence on history


"Follow Hitler, dance, but it is I who have called the melody! I started it at the" Secret Doctrine ", opened its centers in vision and gave it the means to communicate with the Powers Do not cry for me: I will have influenced history more than any other German. "


Eckart was in 1919, together with Gottfried Feder and Anton Drexler, one of the founders of the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, who later changed its name to Nationalsozialistische deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP); he invented and published the NSDAP magazine, Völkischer Beobachter, and composed the text of Deutschland erwache which became the background music of the National Socialist party.

Eckart met Adolf Hitler on August 14, 1919 during a speech that he gave to members of the party and exercised a strong influence over him in the years to follow, so much so that he was defined by the future Führer as his paternal friend.

In Mein Kampf Dietrich Eckart was literally defined as a martyr and Hitler dedicated the final sentence to him: And among them I could also recognize that man.





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