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The esoteric Nazism of Wewelsburg


The esoteric Nazism of Wewelsburg


Complex and unique phenomena such as the National Socialist movement have been analyzed from every angle, but it is interesting to recall a perhaps less detailed aspect of National Socialism, which went beyond the interests of creating a great millennial empire that assumed hidden contours. Nazism esoteric

Esotericism, occultism, astrology, esoteric mysticism, alchemy (the official colors of the Nazi banner are the sacred colors of alchemy: black, red and white): these voices that weave around Nazi ideology are part of a philosophy that has contributed to a significant extent to the cultural formation of Hitler and his hierarchy: Some ideological roots of the nationalist-socialist party deeply sink into these aspects of esoteric culture that had been defeated, but not canceled, by the scientific thought of the sixteenth century, seventeenth century and the Enlightenment.

In 1929 Hitler appointed Heinrich Himmler as head of the SS, which at the moment counted only 280 men. Subsequently the Schutzstaffel arrived to a staff of over 250 thousand units. Their ferocious efficiency and their fanaticism became legendary: the name alone aroused fear. The group could not miss a base, a "heart", a center that was both a symbol and a logistic base. Himmler himself established a sort of "Vatican" of the Nazis in the ghostly Wewelsburg Castle, and studied rites to subject his men.

Nazi mysticism, over the years, has often been attributed to the figure of Heinrich Himmler, defined by the allies as the "accountant of death." Westfalia was one of the historical hearts of Germany, the land of "Hermann and Widukind" as Himmler himself stated, and, consequently, lent itself perfectly to the positioning of the center of the SS network. The Reichsführer had already opted for two other castles in the region before stumbling on November 3, 1933, during a propaganda tour, in Wewelsburg and "falling in love" on the spot: in August 1934, once the Nazi power was consolidated in the Reich, the Central Command of the SS for 100 years he rented the building from the District of Büren for the nominal sum of a Reichsmark a year. His particularity is all in the triangular form that since its construction, at the beginning of the 1600s, has given it an appearance sinister and an aura of mystery.

Himmler restructured Wewelsburg, molding it according to his own ideology. The predominant part was the North Tower, considered the exact center of the new world desired by the SS, and here in fact there were two particular rooms. The first was the Obergruppenführersaal, or the hall where the commanders gathered, which recalled the elitist idea of the knights of the round table: in the center of the circular hall, surrounded by a vault with twelve columns, stood a mosaic depicting the Black Sun, in turn of twelve rays. At the center of the ceiling was instead carved a swastika, also a solar symbol partly borrowed from Eastern religions and partly reworked by ancient Celtic solar wheels. In the underground of the North Tower a crypt with a typically mysterious appearance was built. which would have had to host the remains of the twelve knights who would most distinguish themselves in the service of the Reich. The ashes of the officers dead in battle were also kept here. The most deserving soldiers of the SS were awarded important symbols of power: the Ehrendegen (the honor dagger) and the Totenkopfring, the dead-headed ring, conceived and designed by Karl Maria Wiligut himself. In 1938 Himmler ordered that the rings belonging to officers killed in battle were brought back to Wewelsburg, where they would be honored and kept in the crypt, in memory of the value of those who had worn them.



On the ground floor of the castle there was the gruppenfuhrersaal, a circular room with 12 columns and in the middle a solar wheel with 12 rune-shaped spokes, the sieg character, ie the victory, the same that are found in the symbol of the ss and in the swastika.era the room dedicated to the summit of the ss, 12 elected who had not only military but also esoteric tasks.12 is a symbolic number:

-12 as the major gods of the Olympus
- the apostles of Christ
- the knights of the round table
- the zodiacal signs ..........

the 12 initiates sat in the 12 seats of the castle and made magic rites and meditation, making decisions about the fate of the world.


Thanks to Himmler, the castle was renovated to house a "Reichsfuhrerschule SS", a school for Nazi leaders called the "SS Fuhrerkorps". The school had to teach; the study of prehistory, the study of medieval history and popular folklore, also had to build a library, and of course strengthen the students, to the National Socialist ideology.

These aspects, which intertwine around the national-socialist ideology, had their origin in the initial phases of the movement, and practiced by those who would become, a few years later, the hierarchy of the III reich. The same embryonic cell of the nationalist party socialist, in August 1918, it was, moreover, the mysterious and occult Thule, an anti-semitic group of the extreme right, a sect that linked to the teachings of the geo-political professor Haushofer, a convinced supporter of the necessity, for the sacred people Aryan, to conquer the "living space. The Thule, founded by Rudolf Glauer, who then changed the name to Heinrich Von Sebottendorf, was therefore an esoteric society full of nationalism, of exaltation for a great Germany, destined to rise again and conquer the superiority racial of his people.

The members of Thule aimed, through telepathy, and through specific ceremonies, to get in touch with superior entities, in order to reconstitute the chosen race. Adolf Hitler and his movement, forged their thinking and began their climb, precisely in the shadow of these esoteric orders. The same Himmler, in the gloomy castle of Wewensberg, used to start his SS, the guardians of the black order, to the cult of the ancient Templar heroes, officiating them with occult ceremonies and rites of consecration, to a sort of new religion.

A deep halo of mystery surrounds, then, the III reich and its vate Hitler, creator of an esoteric Nazism that struggles to be understood by the common masses.