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Order of the Red Rose - Statute and internal disciplines

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                                                 Order of the Red Rose





Art. 1. - The spiritual Order called "Order of the Red Rose - The Red Rose" is constituted,

"Order of the Red Rose - The Red Rose" is a free association of fact, with unlimited duration in time and non-profit and regulated in accordance with Title I Chap. III, art. 36 et seq. of the civil code, as well as of the present Statute.



Art. 2. - The Association "Order of the Red Rose - The Red Rose" pursues the following purposes:

- Expand and spread the Luciferian Cult

- Expand and spread the Luciferian Cult through a spiritual path

- Associate its members and promote cultural meetings

- Expand and spread, through the internet platform, the spiritual practices related to the initiative.

- Widen horizons and broaden the spiritual knowledge of individuals



Art. 3. - The association "Order of the Red Rose - The Red Rose" for the achievement of its purposes, intends to promote various activities, in particular:

         - cultural activities

         - spiritual activities

        - spiritual formation activities

        - physical / spiritual training activities


Art. 4. - The Association "Order of the Red Rose - The Red Rose" is offered to all those who, interested in the realization of the institutional aims, share its spirit and ideals.

The association "Order of the Red Rose - The Red Rose" consists of

- Founder

- Member / members


Art. 5. - The admission of ordinary members is deliberated, upon written request of the applicant countersigned by the founder or by a member of the board authorized to register


Art. 6. - All members are required to comply with the provisions of this statute and any internal regulations



Art. 7. - The economic resources of the association consist of:

- donations and legacies;

- Marginal activities of a commercial nature produced through the website

(donations and legacies are accepted in harmony with the statutory purposes of the organization).




Art. 8. - The organs of the Association are:

- Founder and President

- Ordinary Members (Members of the Red Rose and Council)



Art. 9 - Members - Methods of admission and exclusion

 They have the requisites to become members, and therefore they can join the organization, all those who:

• believe and accept the Luciferian doctrine reported in the articles of faith listed on the website

• motivated by the spirit of belonging, declare to share the aims of the organization



-They have the requisites to become members of the board all those who, moved by extreme sharing of the exposed practices, will apply for admission to the board itself


Interested parties must make a written request, by means of a specific form, to be submitted for examination and approval by the Board


Members are required to comply with the provisions of this statute and to provide work previously agreed upon. Members cease to belong to the organization for:


  1. voluntary resignation;





Article 10 The organization, in its principle, is free and administers in a completely autonomous way through the Council.



Art. 11 - DUTIES

1 to maintain moral conduct in the organization

2. refrain from any action that may harm the organization or members of the organization

3. to respect privacy;

4 to confidentiality;


Art. 12 All disputes between the members and between them and the organization or its organs, between the members of the organs and between the organs themselves, will be submitted to the competence of the Council.


Art.13 This Statute can be modified, and expanded, by means of a majority expression issued by the members of the board




Art.14 - The Association Rosa Rossa - The Red Rose welcomes its members without distinction of Race or Sex




Art.15 - "The Order of the Red Rose - The Red Rose" is a free international association and welcomes its members from all nations.




Art.16 Members of the Order of the Red Rose - The Red Rose are divided into the following categories of membership.



- belonging to the Red Rose


Membership in the Red Rose is free and every single individual is free to profess the Order's cults


- Members of the council


Membership in the Council of the Order of the Red Rose is obtained through a form (written and signed) to be submitted to the council



Read also




Order of the Red Rose - Statute and internal disciplines


Order of the Red Rose - The Grand Council


Order of the Red Rose - Rules of Membership


Order of the Red Rose - Profession and Membership


Order of the Red Rose - The order of Lucifer


Order of the Red Rose - The Red Rose model


Order of The Red Rose - The single above the masses


Order of the Red Rose - The Role of the Woman


Order of the Red Rose - The Fire


Order of the Red Rose - Luciferine Nights


Order of the Red Rose - The establishment of the RR


Order of the Red Rose - Double Rose Logo


Order of the Red Rose - Purification of the body


Order of the Red Rose - Blood as a means of purity


Order of the Red Rose - The demon of ardor


Order of the Red Rose - Ritual Fumigation


Order of the Red Rose - Official member seal RR


Order of the Red Rose - Sexual Rituals and Sex