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Order of the Red Rose - Official member seal RR

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Order of the Red Rose - Official member seal RR



- The official seal of the Rosa Rossa order is issued and created for all those who profess the represented cults


-This seal is not salable and no one is authorized to sell


-The official seal of the members of the RR is totally free and producible, at low cost, for every professor of the Red Rose Order.


- The official seal of the Rosa Rossa order is an emblem and symbol of recognition of the Red Rose.


-The official seal of the members of the RR is not imposed as daily clothing or daily life.


-The official seal of the members of the RR is held Allegorico-Ritual explicitly addressed to such practices.




Upper body


-White shirt (long-sleeved or short-sleeved)

-Medello Rosso (Calato on the right shoulder)

-Symbol of the Red Rose Order (placed on the left at the height of the heart)



Lower body


- Black belt

- Trousers (Optional) White

- Black shoes





(Downloadable and applicable on white shirt)





Read also




Order of the Red Rose - Statute and internal disciplines


Order of the Red Rose - The Grand Council


Order of the Red Rose - Rules of Membership


Order of the Red Rose - Profession and Membership


Order of the Red Rose - The order of Lucifer


Order of the Red Rose - The Red Rose model


Order of The Red Rose - The single above the masses


Order of the Red Rose - The Role of the Woman


Order of the Red Rose - The Fire


Order of the Red Rose - Luciferine Nights


Order of the Red Rose - The establishment of the RR


Order of the Red Rose - Double Rose Logo


Order of the Red Rose - Purification of the body


Order of the Red Rose - Blood as a means of purity


Order of the Red Rose - The demon of ardor


Order of the Red Rose - Ritual Fumigation


Order of the Red Rose - Official member seal RR


Order of the Red Rose - Sexual Rituals and Sex