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Order of the Red Rose - The order of Lucifer

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Order of the Red Rose - The order of Lucifer


- THE ORDER OF RED ROSE is founded for the glory and the advent of LUCIFERO

- It is in LUCIFER that the Order itself recognizes itself

- From LUCIFUGE our action is in force, that the fools, the Christians, the Jews and the corrupt, draw close to the evil one.

- In Lucifer is hidden the Logos, the extreme need of human beings, to detach themselves from the exhausted religious movements that sacralize them to slaves.

- In the new ORDER of LUCIFERO hides the intimate power dream of the human being.

- Under the sign of LUCIFER every man, every woman, and every living being, ARE PARISTS within the same order.

- The Order of RED ROSE does not profess eternal life, pale illusions, rebirth and miracles .........


- The Order of the Red Rose roots its cult under the symbol of FIRE (Representation of the LUCIFER SAME).

Fire is a sign of Lucifer's arrival.

In the fire, and in the power of its purification, there is THE ADVENT OF LUCIFER

 Be the representation of LUCIFERINA power, and in your TERRENA life, build your UNIQUE ESSENCE.





Read also




Order of the Red Rose - Statute and internal disciplines


Order of the Red Rose - The Grand Council


Order of the Red Rose - Rules of Membership


Order of the Red Rose - Profession and Membership


Order of the Red Rose - The order of Lucifer


Order of the Red Rose - The Red Rose model


Order of The Red Rose - The single above the masses


Order of the Red Rose - The Role of the Woman


Order of the Red Rose - The Fire


Order of the Red Rose - Luciferine Nights


Order of the Red Rose - The establishment of the RR


Order of the Red Rose - Double Rose Logo


Order of the Red Rose - Purification of the body


Order of the Red Rose - Blood as a means of purity


Order of the Red Rose - The demon of ardor


Order of the Red Rose - Ritual Fumigation


Order of the Red Rose - Official member seal RR


Order of the Red Rose - Sexual Rituals and Sex