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Order of the Red Rose - Baptism of Brotherhood

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        Order of the Red Rose - Baptism of Brotherhood






Introductory note: a complex ritual is presented below for the celebration of the enthronement of Lucifer.
Given the difficulty of being able to organize such a ceremony, the closest members of the Order of the Rose
Red will have to celebrate the ritual every time it is possible, reducing the tools to a symbolic one
throne covered with a black cloth, four red candles and, when possible, a fresh red rose. Prayers
all must be recited. Whoever wants, if he has the possibility, can also integrate the other elements. THE IMPORTANT




- The ceremony below should take place in a quiet, clean and without too much place
decorations, it's fine even in a clearing in a wood. Make sure you are always facing East.
- The ceremony is strictly reserved for members of the Order of the Red Rose. The partecipation
to the rite he inseparably links the members of the Order into a sort of brotherhood.
- If it is not possible to perform the ritual and in the ways indicated, each member can provide
also recite the ritual on its own and in a secluded place several times.
- The ceremony should take place or in front of a throne, or in front of an armchair covered
from a black velvet fabric.
- The Celebrant is in the center facing the throne. On its sides four members of the Order of the
Red Rose each carrying on the hands one of the four Books - from left to right green black
red and white.
- Behind them another seven members with the seven seals in the order from left to right.
- Other present members will remain behind and silent, mentally repeating the words that
they are pronounced.
- If the ritual is performed on one of the days reserved for the Sovereign Lucifer, all the participants
they must have a lit red candle in their left hand.
- The ceremonial clothes are those provided for the Order: trousers and white shirt, shoes and
black belt, red cape.
- The celebrants, the members with the Books and the seven seals will proceed in a slow and silent procession
up to the prepared throne. The procession will pass between two wings of faithful who will gather in one
unique group as the procession proceeds forward. At the end the blocking of the participants
will form a protection for the celebrant, the books and the seals.
- Two braziers can be lit on the left and on the right of the throne. If it was not possible
having two braziers will light two large ceremonial candles. Later on, the
a favorable moment for the lighting of the ritual light.
In front of the throne everyone kneels with his left knee
C = celebrant M = members
C: In the name of our sovereign Lucifer Excellency and by the grace he granted to the members
of the Order of the Red Rose we perform our rite for our spiritual rebirth.
C: In the name of our sovereign Lucifer Excellency and for the grace granted to the members of the Order
of the Red Rose the Door on the abyss is open.
M: The door is open (you ring a bell once)
C: In the name of our sovereign Lucifer Excellency and for the grace granted to the members of the Order
of the Red Rose we cross the Gate on the abyss.
M: The door is open (you ring a bell twice)


C: In the name of our sovereign Lucifer Excellency and for the grace granted to the members of the Order
of the Red Rose we fall into the void towards the truth.
M: The door is open (you ring the bell three times)
C: For you members of the Order of the Red Rose, it is no longer permitted to close the Holy Door
Abyss. For you members of the Order of the Red Rose the process of divinization is yes
performs irreversibly. For you, members of the Red Rose, your body and your blood
it will be transubstantiated in the Body and Spiritual Blood of Lucifer Exalted.
M: So be it
C: For you members of the Order of the Red Rose the Infernal Legions will take up arms in order to
fight every enemy of Lucifer Sovereign. From this moment it will be your care to prepare the
world to the ascent of Lucifer.
M: So Sia (the members raise a flap of the red cloak to the height with the left hand
of the face and hint at a bow with the head)
Now two very young boys with two torches will approach the throne and light the bracers,
otherwise with two red candles will light the two large ritual candles.
C: Our Sovereign Lucifer consecrates the fire symbol of wisdom and intelligence, sacred beauty to you
beloved, make us the grace of your spiritual presence among us, foretaste of your coming, bless i
members of the Order of the Red Rose present here.
At this point incense will be lit at the feet of the throne and the fragrance will be diffused
purifier. Proceeding from the left, one of the young men with the torch will bring a rose
red to the celebrant who will deposit it at the foot of the throne near the incense. The other young man
will bring a bowl with pure water.
C: You come to us Our Sovereign Lucifer the scent of this flower. We can not offer you anything else
this flower, whose thorns punctured the foot of the Goddess Venus and her blood soaked them for eternity.
C: Glory to Lucifer in the deepest recesses
And hatred rises in the minds of us your subjects.
We adore you Lucifer,
We bless you Lucifer,
We glorify you Lucifer,
We thank you for Your immense glory
Lucifer our Sovereign
Rebel angel
Lord of the night.
You who bring the Light of Truth
Protect us from those who want ignorance for us.
You who bring the Light of Truth
Accept our request to become a part of Your tremendous Legions.
You who shine in the sky like a star
Make us aware of our divine essence,
Because You alone are the Dominator
You alone are our Lord
You alone are the Terrible Leader
Which we will follow until the last battle


For the destruction of our enemies.
M: So be it
C: LUCIFER ECCELSO we pray you: accept to sit on this throne we have
prepared, symbol of sovereignty over the world, because in You we recognize the only true King, the great
Emperor of the peoples and of the whole earth.


C: LUCIFERO ECCELSO a crown of light is placed on your head, symbol of Tua majesty. Her
light enlighten our minds with the spirits of truth.
C: LUCIFER ECCELSO A golden scepter is placed between your hands, symbol of power
on the universe and the only weapon against all our enemies.
M: LUCIFERO ECCELSO give us the power to counter the attacks of those who do not want to recognize
Your kingship.
M: So be it.
Luciferian profession of faith
M: Our only Sovereign Absolute,
Lord of this world and the deepest depths,
of all the past and future rebel Spirits.
I believe in you only Lucifer,
From God created as the most beautiful of the Angels
And then from the skies chased for his envy.
Divine spirit
Light of Truth
Unique and true
That you participate in the nature of the celestial creatures
and to their own substance.
Through you everything can be destroyed and rebuilt.
For us men and for our awakening
You will return in glory and power
By embodying you in our mortal bodies,
Returning gods and freedom.
The sons of Abraham accused you
To be the enemy of man and to want his downfall,
But you will have justice through those who believe in you and will be willing to take revenge
In the day when we will destroy your and our enemies
Because You rise undisturbed on the Throne of the kingdom of the world.
I believe in the Order of the Red Rose,
In his symbols and rituals,
in the men they found in it
Their spiritual home,
On the path to Absolute Truth.


M: So be it
C: Give up God?
M: I give up
C: Do you renounce to jesus?
M: I give up
C: Give up the angels and the archangels?
M: I give up
C: Give up the Catholic Church?
M: I give up
C: Give up everything that has been good
M: I give up
C: Renounce all the gods
M: I give up
C: Proclaim Lucifer King of this world
M: We proclaim
C: Proclaimed Lucifer Unico D







Read also




Order of the Red Rose - Statute and internal disciplines


Order of the Red Rose - The Grand Council


Order of the Red Rose - Rules of Membership


Order of the Red Rose - Profession and Membership


Order of the Red Rose - The order of Lucifer


Order of the Red Rose - The Red Rose model


Order of The Red Rose - The single above the masses


Order of the Red Rose - The Role of the Woman


Order of the Red Rose - The Fire


Order of the Red Rose - Luciferine Nights


Order of the Red Rose - The establishment of the RR


Order of the Red Rose - Double Rose Logo


Order of the Red Rose - Purification of the body


Order of the Red Rose - Blood as a means of purity


Order of the Red Rose - The demon of ardor


Order of the Red Rose - Ritual Fumigation


Order of the Red Rose - Official member seal RR


Order of the Red Rose - Sexual Rituals and Sex