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Order of the Red Rose - Rules of Membership

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Order of the Red Rose - Rules of Membership



1 - Initiates to the order will have no distinction of Race within the order

2 - Initiates to the order will have no sexual distinctions within the order

3 - Initiates to the order must not belong to any political movement or political association.

4 - Initiates to the Order must not be connected or belong to other orders

5- Initiates to the order are applied in the doctrines of the The 4 Manuals of the Red Rose Order



6 - Initiates to the order have the obligation of mutual solidarity within the order

7 - The initiates of the Order have total and free possibility of belonging to the Red Rose

8 - Initiates to the order will have to link their spirituality to the Lucifer cult

9 - Initiates to order must increase their spiritual power (By constant application)

10 - The initiates of the Order are applied in the constant divination of Lucifer and are bound to it







Read also


Order of the Red Rose - Statute and internal disciplines

Order of the Red Rose - The Grand Council

Order of the Red Rose - Rules of Membership

Order of the Red Rose - Profession and Membership

Order of the Red Rose - The order of Lucifer

Order of the Red Rose - The Red Rose model

Order of The Red Rose - The single above the masses

Order of the Red Rose - The Role of the Woman

Order of the Red Rose - The Fire

Order of the Red Rose - Luciferine Nights

Order of the Red Rose - The establishment of the RR

Order of the Red Rose - Double Rose Logo

Order of the Red Rose - Purification of the body

Order of the Red Rose - Blood as a means of purity

Order of the Red Rose - The demon of ardor

Order of the Red Rose - Ritual Fumigation

Order of the Red Rose - Official member seal RR

Order of the Red Rose - Sexual Rituals and Sex